• old men in speedos um
  • you namet hun: 2011

    Monday, November 14, 2011

    Im back!

    vid tym

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    The Thirteen Colonies - Maryland

    Maryland Named for Queen Henrietta Maria of England; Known for its valiant army; statehood 4-28-1788; part of state became Washington D C

    State Flag:

    State Bird:

    Baltimore Oriole

    State Flower:

     black-eyed susan

    The Thirteen Colonies - Georgia

    Georgia : Last colony settled but was 4th to ratify Constitution and become state; named after King George II

     state flag

    State Bird:
    brown thrasher

    cherokae rose
    State Flower:

    Friday, March 18, 2011


    this is a small amount of vanilla extract

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    The Thirteen Colonies - Delaware

    Delaware was the first to become a state on December 7,1787.

    Delaware's Blue Hen army (named for their leader's pet fighting Blue Hen rooster) is known for turning away advancing British in initial skirmish with great speed and bravery. The Blue Hen Chicken is their state bird.

    State flower is the Peach Blossom.

    State tree is the American Holly.

    Delaware's first settlement was Fort Christina. It was established by many Swedes in March of 1638.

    The 13-star flag was flown in battle first in Delaware.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    The Thirteen Colonies - Connecticut


    Connecticut was the 5th to become a state 1788.

    It was settled by Puritans from Massachusetts.
    Connecticut's state laws were a model for the US Constitution.
    It's nickname is the Constitution State.

     The American Robin is Connecticut's state bird.

    Monday, February 14, 2011


    Last year i planted 3 POTAAAAAAATOSSS and died so i thought it died waa
     but on the heat wave of 2011 i weeded my garden and found thrice POTAAAAAATOS suprise
    the next day from 2 POTAAAAAAAATOS I planted      7    POTAAAAAATOSSSSSS.
     and from the 3rd mmmmmm hash  :);)  browns mmmmmmmm.


    Friday, January 28, 2011

    wata = water hapns = happens......

    made of a candle, cup o wata, plate,  a lite reallllll cup, fire
    pour 1 cm or less of wata on the plate lite the candle put it on the wata put the cup on it and see wat hapns

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Arrow for ur crossbow

    You will need tac glue , afeather and a skewer
    apply a small amount of glue on the blunt side of the skewer and attach the feather


    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    math lessons, vinegar + baking soda = my new toy

    Jessiah's tricked out air gun. must see.

    in this 1 look for lil green balls go by.

    scorpion how 2 ........DONT BLAME ME IF U HIT SOME 1

     You need all of the above masking or painters tape, bic dead pen, pliers, 3-4 skewers, lots o rubber bands

                                                      wrap the rubber bands around the penicils
                                                               and on the other side tightly

                                                        take off both the front and the back
    wrap bands around the pen and 2 other pencils 
                                                               do the same with the bands
                                                 put the one with the white thing on top, key point
                                                           NOTICE RUBBER BAND!!!
                                                   BE SAFE DONT AIM AT OTHER PEEPS
     you see the three pencils going up and down? put a long band going from up to down and wrap masking tape in the middle and move the 2 pencils going left to right mooooooovvvvve it all the way to the left till the white bar is in th middle
                                                               wow!!! I MISSED LOL

    I hope you have enjoyed my blog im editing