• old men in speedos um
  • you namet hun: September 2010

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    first comment giveaway.

    the first coment will get a braclet just comment on my post and say your 3 favorite colors and ill mail it(give your address)

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Genghis Khan

    I went to the Genghis Khan exhibit at the tech museum in San Jose today. I learned some things about him. He was a powerful conquerer. His insightful strategies were destructive to the surrounding lands. The moguls lived in ger. A ger has two poles for structure and is a leather-made round tent. I liked the weapons because they were slick and grooved with symbols on the blades. They also had scorpions and trebuchets as artillery.

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    match maze

    I made this maze with a penny matchbox, masking tape and a small bead.
    Fold the tape in half. Make lines and put in a bead where the start is. Tilt and flick the edges to make the bead move.
    (:   :)

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    Whistler's Mother at the De Young

    Whistler's Mother is a picture from the movie Mr. Bean and its last visit in a America was in 1933. Its home land is Paris where it was origanaly painted by James Macniell Whistler who was American born. Whistler's Mother is a picture of blends of shapes, strokes and colors. Close up, it looks like foliage but far away it looks like this:

    The picture in the background of Whistler's Mother is an etching of his earlier work, the Black Lion Wharf:

    Whistler originally was going to have a younger model pose, but she fell ill. So, he turned to his mother for a model. She is sitting in the picture, because she is old and frail. Using different types of brush strokes, Whistler created both the detail in her face, hat, lace and hands, and the essence of her clothes, room and curtain.

    This is supposedly the 4th most recognizable work of art.

    I hope you have enjoyed my blog im editing