• old men in speedos um
  • you namet hun: The Thirteen Colonies - Maryland

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    The Thirteen Colonies - Maryland

    Maryland Named for Queen Henrietta Maria of England; Known for its valiant army; statehood 4-28-1788; part of state became Washington D C

    State Flag:

    State Bird:

    Baltimore Oriole

    State Flower:

     black-eyed susan


    1. I really like this unit on the original 13 states you have been doing!

    2. some person who wanted to leave a comment on your blog...April 20, 2011 at 5:08 PM

      Are you going to the opera tomorrow night? (thursday) 'Cuase you know that you have to "dress up"...SCARY!!!!

    3. just so you know,the Kiera Knightley picture in your followers is not her... just so you don't think your too awesome or anythin..hahaha



    I hope you have enjoyed my blog im editing